Electric Motorcycles vs Gas Motorcycles

June 15, 2021


When it comes to two-wheeled vehicles, motorcycles are undoubtedly the coolest. Riding a motorcycle offers a unique sense of freedom and thrill that no car can match. However, there has always been a dilemma among motorcycle enthusiasts: electric or gas? In this blog post, we’re going to compare electric motorcycles to gas motorcycles by looking at their performance, maintenance, cost, and impact on the environment. So, let’s put our helmets on and ride along!


The performance of a motorcycle is usually measured by its speed and acceleration. Based on recent studies, electric motorcycles have shown a remarkable improvement in speed and acceleration. An example would be the Lightning LS-218 (which holds the land speed record for electric motorcycles) that can go from 0 to 60 mph in 2.2 seconds and can reach a top speed of 218 mph. On the other hand, the gas-powered Suzuki Hayabusa (which holds the land speed record for gas motorcycles) takes 2.5 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph and has a top speed of 186 mph. Although the difference in acceleration may seem small, it can make a significant difference in a race. However, it's worth noting that electric motorcycles have less range and require recharging compared to gas motorcycles that offer fuel refilling in a matter of minutes.


No one likes spending time and money on maintenance. That is why it's important to look at the cost of maintaining an electric vs. gas motorcycle. Gas motorcycles have more moving parts, which means they are generally more complex, and consequently, require more maintenance. On the other hand, electric motorcycles have fewer moving parts, reducing the need for regular maintenance. According to a study conducted by Consumer Reports, electric motorcycles on average have an annual maintenance cost of $485, whereas gas motorcycles have an average annual maintenance cost of $1,000. This makes electric motorcycles more cost-effective in the long run.


Cost is one of the most significant factors when it comes to buying a motorcycle. Although the initial cost of purchasing an electric motorcycle is higher than that of a gas motorcycle, the operational costs are much lower. The cost of electricity is relatively low compared to the cost of gas, making electric motorcycles cheaper in the long run. According to the United States Department of Energy, the cost to travel 100 miles on an electric motorcycle is about $0.60, whereas the cost of traveling 100 miles on a gas motorcycle can range from $3.50 to $13.50 depending on the bike's efficiency.

Impact on the Environment

Lastly, let's talk about the impact of electric motorcycles vs. gas motorcycles on the environment. Gas motorcycles emit harmful pollutants such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons that contribute to air pollution and climate change. On the contrary, electric motorcycles are powered by batteries and emit no exhaust fumes or pollutants, making them more environmentally friendly.


After comparing electric motorcycles vs. gas motorcycles based on performance, maintenance, cost, and impact on the environment, it all comes down to a rider's preference. Electric motorcycles offer a better performance, lower maintenance cost, and are more environmentally friendly than gas motorcycles, but have limited range and require longer recharge times. On the other hand, gas motorcycles provide longer ranges and speedy fuel refills, but their maintenance costs are higher, and they contribute to air pollution. In the end, choosing an electric vs. gas motorcycle depends on factors such as personal preferences, distance traveled, and the environment.


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